Friday, February 19, 2010

Governor's Food Drive

I do social work for the state of Oregon. Every year in Feb. there is a state wide food drive campaign. Each office throughout the state raises money and collects food for the food drive. In my office we do various activities including, bake sales, musical chair competitions (yes that's right), paper airplane throwing competition and homemade breakfasts...all to help raise money. Our biggest event in a Silent auction with runs for about two weeks. This year I provided one of my note cards sets (winner chooses) for bidding. I believe we ended up raising approx. $1400 dollars from the auction alone which is a couple hundred up from last year. I'm not sure of the grand total of everything yet but it's pretty awesome to see the generosity around me. And CONGRATS Bridget!! (she won one of my note card sets).
I was kind of nervous to put my note cards in the running. I personally love them and I get overjoyed that other people like them enough to buy them. But most of the people I work with do not know I do this.

The anonymity of the being an online business helps to shield me from the fear of someone rejecting my work (yes I have issues to work on). So having my website and examples of my work out there for everyone at my office to see was hard. But I got really good feed back. I also decided that I need to work on producing a product catalog of some kind because people have made the comment that they would like something to actually hold and look through verses getting on the Internet. So that is in the works.

I encourage everyone to contact their local food banks to find out how to help your communities homeless and less fortunate!!

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