After giving it some thought I have decided to offer
FREE SHIPPING Black Friday until Cyber Monday (Nov 27th - Nov 30th). I will adjust my items to reflect the free shipping. I'm excited to see how this sale goes.
So my head has been on the verge of exploding with ideas lately. I am not a very patient person when I want something so its been hard to face reality that all the things I want to create and offer take time to create and actually get posted. Since I have a very demanding day job and a 1 year old at home, find time and energy to get it all done is hard. I have been devoting the time after my kiddo goes to bed until I can't keep my eyes open to figure out new products and anything related to the shop. I try to focus on being a mommy from the time my kiddo gets home until bedtime but it's hard. So I decided that I need to be more organized and set goals for Green With Envy Studios.
Long Term Goals (6-12 months at least):
1)Create a Website
2)Consider Wholesale business
3)Participate in a Craft Show
My December Goals:1)Create a Consistent Product Line
2)Organize My Studio
3)Create a Studio Work Schedule
4)Become More Involved in the Etsy Community